Saturday, May 11, 2013

My Cliff/Cliffette

Summer should be a time of pure bliss for students. Freedom, lots of playing, no homework or early mornings, and more time to spend just being a KID! However, for many of my students, my cliff and cliffette in particular, summer is a time of uncertainty. Not knowing what each day consists of, how many kids they'll be in charge of watching, or what they'll have for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot I can do to personally change or affect the type of summer my students each have. However, I can give them all that I have up until that very last day of the school year (and sneak a couple visits to the Boys and Girls Club in over the summer :). See what I'm doing to try and give that extra degree here in my most recent (May 9th) KidBlog reflection. Also, I showed this video "I'm Here" to my students and simply posed the question "How does this apply to us each day?" and was very pleased with the discussion that followed. It's worth showing to any age!


  1. Natalie,
    That’s so sad about some of your kiddos☹ I too have a couple that I am very worried about what will happen to them over the summer. It’s a difficult place to be in – caring so much and not being able to do anything about it. You are right in that all we can do is love them up while they are with us! I loved your idea about sharing the “I’m Here!” video with them. Were they able to comprehend what it meant and could they relate it to themselves? I am curious if my 1st graders would understand it . . . hmmmm . . .might be something I need to try.

    1. Jen, I too wondered if they'd get the concept and was going to preface it with an explanation but decided not to. I wanted them to decipher their own meaning from it. I'm so happy I didn't say anything because it really opened up the opportunity for multiple points of view. While some were more...on target...than others, I think it allowed my students to feel that there wasn't any right answer and it could mean to them whatever they wanted it to. I would highly recommend showing it...couldn't hurt! Let me know how it goes!
