Saturday, November 2, 2013

It's a Techy Kind of World

With the wonderful opportunity I've been granted to have a 1:1 iPad initiative in my classroom (for the 2nd year in a row) I'm constantly feeling the pressure to utilize the iPads in a way that will change the way learning occurs in my classroom! After reading more about the various levels of implementation (The SAMR Model) and being reminded of the increased level of engagement with this video "Engage Me!"  I've set a few goals for increased technology implementation in my classroom:

My first goal revolves around key finding #6 “online collaboration increases learning productivity and student engagement.:
§  In order to achieve this goal I need time and professional development opportunities to learn about the options that are available for this. It’s not that I’m hesistant to try, or feel incapable of doing this, it’s simply time and resources! My students each have their own iPad in our classroom and are very eager to collaborate whenever possible but I simply don’t know what’s available. I’ve tried using and have dabbled in GoogleDocs but would like to learn more about things like EdModo. I feel by increasing the opportunity for collaboration through technology, my students will take more ownership of their learning and their engagement will greatly increase as they’ll care about what they’re posting for others to see.
My second goal is to improve on Finding #7: Daily use of technology delivers the best return on investment.
§  I feel that I’m using some sort of technology (Smart Board, ELMO doc cam, iPads) on a daily basis. However, I feel that much of what I use the technology for only serves as a substitution or augmentation. While I strive for modification and even redefinition, I don’t always know how. Again, opportunities for training in this area would greatly benefit my students and me.
Finally, my third goal is use technology as more of an intervention (Finding #5) for both my low and high-achieving students.
§  I currently use a class website, IXL and studentcity to provide differentiated opportunities for my various groups. However, I’d love to learn more about interventions available that allow students to learn at their own pace! 

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