Friday, August 30, 2013

Intentionally teaching with my non-negotiables

As I tackle planning for a new school year, in a new grade level, I'm so much more intentional about how I will begin my year with my "non-negotiable" concept of class community building. Using my community building plan, and the activities posted by fellow SCB2ers, I feel very prepared to begin the year off on a very positive note that will set the tone for a successful year! I also took into consideration the physical layout and how it met the needs of the various learners I have in my class. Knowing my students ahead of time was a huge benefit as I know there are some who need to be in a row, some who need a small group setting and some who need the chance to get out of their desk, move around and work in a different "setting" within the classroom. To meet these needs I set my desks up in rows and groups and provided my students with places like a book corner with comfortable seating, a few scattered singles desks for individual work areas and a small table in the corner for group work. 

The concept of teaching with the end in mind, while guiding them to make connections and broad understandings, has also really impacted me as a teacher. I've shared MANY of these ideas with my new teammates (who have all been teaching for 15-20+ years) and they are very excited about this new "wealth of knowledge on the team." :) 

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